About 7th iiss 2021
7th International ILEM Summer School analysied Urban Crises and Trends in the Muslim World.
Scientific Studies Association (ILEM) organizes International ILEM Summer Schools to exchange intellectual experience within academicians, researchers, and intellectuals from different geographies worldwide. The International ILEM Summer School (IISS), which addresses major themes and issues of the Islamic World in every year.
The 7th IISS occured in the Summer of 2021 and its major theme is “Muslim Identity in the Modern World”. The trajectories of Muslim Identity are an exceedingly important intellectual resource for making sense of the Muslim question in the present world. The IISS 7 is geared towards earnestly comprehending these trajectories alongside, in the light of both historical and contemporary developments, attending to the range of challenges that the Muslim identity confronts in the modern world. Core issues/concerns related to significant inquiries, it is hoped, could be looked into within the subthemes Theoretical and Historical Frameworks and Contemporary Debates and Future Prospects.
In this summer school, Muslim identity in the modern world discussed with special emphases on its Facts, Threats, and Prospects.
Researchers around the world shared their ideas and great intellectual experience during this event, on 5-9 July 2021, online. IISS would like to thank supporters; Presidency for Turks Abroad and Related Communities (YTB), Istanbul University, Islamic Cooperation Youth Forum (ICYF), International League Academicians (ILM) who collectively have worked to organize the program.